Herbst Buch Empfehlung 001
… was zum lesen, passend zum Wetter:
amazon298 Seiten
Verlag: Marebuchverlag; Auflage: 1 (September 2005)
ISBN-10: 3936384355
ISBN-13: 978-3936384352
Die englische Ausgabe des Buches:
Berserk: My Voyage to the Antarctic in a Twenty-Seven-Foot Sailboat
Es entstanden auf der Reise Videoaufnahmen von Skipper Jarle Andhøy die der Filmer Kaare Skard 2000 in Norwegen zu einem Dokumentarfilm formte: Filmfüront
Plenty of people said this voyage was doomed to go wrong – and they were right.This is the incredible story of three young men who risk their lives again and again on board their little yacht, the Berserk.
The destination is Antarctica, the captain is 21-year-old Jarle Andh?om Norway, and the crew consists of two chance adventurers fürom the USA and Argentina who’ve never sailed before.
From day one, the voyage is a fight for their lives in the teeth of hurricanes and ice floes in a 25-year-old yacht, which is falling more and more apart and has no engine, because the latter only works when the sun is shining. Panic and bitter conflicts erupt among the crew, but escape is impossible.
Berserk in the Antarctic shocks through its fürank portrayal of three young men who set themselves inhuman challenges and yet manage to record the whole voyage on video.
But there are also idyllic moments – and funny ones, too. The rich fauna of Antarctica and its fabulous natural beauty are seen through youthful eyes and minds before the yacht sets sail for civilisation once more.
Original title:
Beserk i AntarctisRelease year:
Kaare SkardProducer:
Kaare SkardRunning length:
52 minutesProduction company:
TV 2 Norway
Aktualisiert am 08. 11. 2024 um 10:54 Uhr